Staff FAQs
When is staff training and is it required?
Staff training is required for all staff. Training dates are in the middle of June and the dates vary based on the year and position.
Summer 2024 Required Training Dates:
SOS Team – June 17-23, Senior Counselors – June 19-23, Counselors – June 20-23, CITs – June 21-23. Lifeguard, Wrangler, and O-Team training schedules TBD.
What time does counseling staff need to be at camp for the week?
Counselors and Seniors Counselors will need to be at camp to check in on Sunday nights at 7:30pm. Counselors and Senior Counselors will stay the week overnight until needing to be picked up on Friday afternoon/evening. CITS will need to check in on Sunday nights at 7:30pm and be picked up at 9:00pm. CITS will then need to be brought back to camp at 7:30am each Day Camp morning and picked up at 5:30pm.
What times do CITS need to be dropped off and picked up during a Day Camp week?
CITS will need to check in on Sunday nights at 7:30pm and be picked up at 9:00pm. CITS will then need to be brought back to camp at 7:30am each Day Camp morning and picked up at 5:30pm. CITS also have the option to spend the night on Thursday nights after campfire.
If I am working a Day Camp do I need to spend the night?
If you are a Counselor, Senior Counselor, or SOS you will need to spend the night during Day Camps. CITS do not spend the night during Day Camps with the exception of Thursday nights where there is the option for CITS to stay the night after campfire.
What time can counseling staff expect to be done on Fridays?
For Day Camps we will be done at 6:15pm and for Overnight Camps we will be done at 4:30pm. Keep in mind that these times are estimates and may be later than anticipated some weeks.
Can CITs spend the night during Day Camps?
CITS can not spend the night during Day Camp weeks with the exception of Thursday nights where there is the option for CITS to stay the night after campfire.
Can staff leave camp at any time during the week?
Staff need to remain on camp during the weeks they are working. If you have any necessary appointments or commitments that require you to leave camp then it must be pre-approved by leadership prior to the Sunday night of the week you are working.
Can I request a counselor to work with?
We don’t often take requests but will take note of your preferences.
Do I need to be previously lifeguard certified before applying to be a lifeguard?
No, we offer a Red Cross Lifeguard certification course in June. If you commit to working 6+ weeks then we will pay for your certification course. If you are working 5 weeks or less you are still eligible to join our certification course but you will have to cover the costs yourself. Current and up to date certifications through other companies like Starguard Elite or Ellis and Associates are accepted as well.
Is there a place for me to stay the weekends at camp?
We offer accommodations for staff over 18 to stay the weekend. We don’t serve consistent meals during the weekends so you are responsible for your own meals but there is access to a fridge and microwave.